Miniature Dance Academy

2012 - 2022

Dance Studio

Dance Studio

Miniature Academy: a private dance institute, founded by Banafsheh Amiri, providing professional dance  lessons & rehearsals for women in Iran, Tehran (2018-2022).


A calm and spiritual space for women to learn, create, and perform the art of dance. Miniature delivers a positive atmosphere not only to improve their movement skills but also to guide students on a journey of self-discovery, helping them feel good about their femininity and heritage through the art of dance.


Students may receive a certification from Miniature Dance Academy based on hours, points, or levels.

The Miniature Academy of Dance offers certification in fundamental Persian dance technique for dance professionals who are seeking a validation to show that they have specific skills or knowledge.

Persian Events at Miniature

Persian Events at Miniature

Join Miniature Academy in celebrating friendship, affection and love on the name day feast of Iranian Events of epic poetry, traditional music and dance, persian food and …

Yalda Event
Mehregan Event

Write us

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Miniature: Delicacy, Femininity and dignity of Iranian Ladies



    My intension is to bring ‘the joy’ of being a Persian lady back to the modern ladies of Iran.  It seems that we, ”modern Iranian ladies”, are simply forgetting about the graceful and femininity we have in our natural unconscious behaviours. It’s time to flash back and mapping who we really are? To sense our cultural feeling and emotions, through our long-lost memories.  The sensory experiences that build attachments to our roots. We need to re- build connections to our natural and historic experiences by digging into our past, vintage family photos and old stories. I use dance, as a sensory technique, for mapping the story of Iranian ladies. I believe that we need to recall the ways to convey our deepest message through our inherited female strength, prominent body languages، facial expressions, delicate head gestures, purposeful smiles and sophisticated eye expressions. Clearly, there are still a lot to be said.”




    What students say about us:

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